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Why Parents of Children with ADHD Should Consider Martial Arts

March 30, 2023 | 0 Comment(s)

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a common condition that affects children worldwide. Children with ADHD may struggle with hyperactivity, impulsivity, and inattention, which can cause challenges in various aspects of their lives, including their academic performance, social interactions, and emotional well-being. While there are various treatments and therapies available for ADHD, one activity that has gained notoriety in recent years is martial arts.

Martial arts is more than just a physical activity; it is a holistic approach that emphasizes mental and emotional development as much as physical fitness. This approach is particularly beneficial for children with ADHD as it addresses the specific challenges they face and provides a framework for developing self-discipline, focus, and confidence.

In this post, we will explore the value of martial arts for children with ADHD and how it can help them manage their symptoms and improve their quality of life.

Developing self-discipline

One of the primary benefits of martial arts for children with ADHD is the development of self-discipline. Martial arts requires children to follow a strict set of rules and guidelines, such as bowing before entering the training area, addressing their instructors with respect, and adhering to a specific training schedule. This structure provides a framework for children with ADHD to learn self-discipline and self-control, which can be challenging for them due to their impulsivity.

Martial arts also teaches children the importance of perseverance and hard work. Children with ADHD may struggle with tasks that require sustained effort and focus, but martial arts training provides a safe and supportive environment to practice these skills. Through regular training and practice, children with ADHD can develop the habits they need to be successful in their day-to-day lives.

Improving focus and attention

Another significant benefit of martial arts for children with ADHD is the improvement of focus and attention. Martial arts training requires a high level of concentration and attention to detail, which can help children with ADHD improve their ability to focus and stay on task. In addition, martial arts techniques such as meditation and breathing exercises can help children with ADHD learn to calm their minds and improve their ability to concentrate.

Martial arts instructors often use games and exercises that require children to focus on a specific task or goal. These activities can be particularly beneficial for children with ADHD, as they provide a fun and engaging way to practice focus and attention skills. Over time, children with ADHD can transfer these skills to other areas of their lives, such as schoolwork and social interactions.

Building self-confidence

Many children with ADHD struggle with low self-esteem and self-confidence due to their inability to transfer whats in their head into action. Martial arts training can help children with ADHD build self-confidence by providing a safe and supportive environment to develop their skills and abilities. As children progress in their martial arts training, they can earn belts and other awards, which can boost their self-esteem and provide a sense of accomplishment.

Martial arts training also teaches children to respect themselves and others. Children with ADHD may struggle with social interactions and may find it challenging to build positive relationships with their peers. Martial arts training provides opportunities for children to interact with others in a supportive and structured environment, which can help them develop social skills and build positive relationships.

Reducing stress and anxiety

Martial arts training can also help children with ADHD reduce stress and anxiety. Children with ADHD may struggle with managing their emotions and may experience high levels of stress and anxiety. Martial arts training provides a safe and structured environment to release stress and tension through physical activity. In addition, martial arts techniques such as meditation and breathing exercises can help children with ADHD learn to manage their emotions and reduce feelings of anxiety.

Promoting physical fitness

Finally, martial arts training is an excellent way for children with ADHD to improve their physical fitness. Children with ADHD may struggle with sedentary lifestyles due to difficulties with impulse control and focus. Martial arts provides a fun and engaging way for children to get active and improve their overall fitness levels. The physical activity involved in martial arts can also help children with ADHD release excess energy and improve their ability to focus.

Martial arts training can also improve coordination and balance, which can be challenging for some children with ADHD. Improved coordination and balance can lead to better performance in other activities, such as sports or dance, and can improve overall quality of life.

Choosing the right martial art

For children with ADHD, martial arts that focus on structure, discipline, and mental focus is very important. Martial arts like karate, taekwondo, or judo provide this. 

In addition to finding the right martial art, it’s important to remember that martial arts should be just one part of a comprehensive treatment plan for children with ADHD. Other treatments, such as medication, therapy, and behavioral interventions, may also be necessary to help children with ADHD manage their symptoms.

In conclusion, martial arts can be an incredibly beneficial activity for children with ADHD. Through martial arts training, children can develop self-discipline, focus, and confidence, improve their physical fitness, and reduce stress and anxiety. Martial arts also provides a safe and supportive environment for children to interact with others and develop social skills.

Martial arts should be part of a comprehensive treatment plan for ADHD and should be tailored to your child’s individual needs and interests. With the right approach, martial arts can be an incredibly positive and life-changing experience for children with ADHD.

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Confidence and Martial Arts

April 16, 2020 | 0 Comment(s)

Confidence and Martial Arts

Martial arts are crucial for those who want to obtain confidence. If you want your child to develop not only a strong and flexible body, but also a strong spirit, it is the right choice for them to master a martial art. This training will provide them with holistic mind development, with a strong character, and the right vision of the world.

Mastering a martial art will impact every aspect of a person’s life. It cannot only save them from street attacks and bullies in school, but it also instills good inner qualities and boosts self-esteem. There are numerous ways with which martial arts have an influence on various spheres of a person’s life.

  1. A strong, firm body boost a child’s confidence

While practicing a martial art, a child becomes stronger and more masculine. If you look at different 15-16 year old boys, you will notice that they differ from each other with their appearance. Some boys look like they are still kids, others look more like men. With their physical data, they can even use self-defense against adults.

No doubts that a person’s physical strength and appearance reflect on how they perceive themselves. It is not necessary for your child to fight everywhere to prove something to their classmates. Everyone will see their muscles, their confident behavior, and the absence of fear.

The point of martial arts is to give you an assurance that you have a plan for different situations. Thus, when someone talks to you with aggression, to test you, they will change their intentions when seeing your calm reaction. You will demonstrate calmness because of knowing that, at any time, you can disgrace the adversary with a strong hit, but you choose to act more generously.

We must also mention, that great appearance adds a bonus to a person’s attraction. When a person notices that more people like them, their mood is boosted and their self-esteem grows.

  1. Life lessons

While mastering a martial art, a person learns many things. For instance:

to respect more experienced seniors,

to work in a team,

to work with a pair,

not give up,

to accomplish tasks, and

to endure difficulties.

In this way, a child will better understand the world and will feel comfortable outside their home. Besides, when a child trains constantly, they become independent, because they know what they are doing. They can easily go to the courtyard of the house and perform an exercise without being shy. In that manner, a child will always act independently when they need to accomplish their task.

For instance, they will bravely enter the office of their boss, when they are insured in the importance of their cause.

Martial art will help develop strategic thinking. Without a strategy, you can win competitors neither in sport, nor in life.

The next life lesson consists of a child’s ability to learn to be ready for someone attacking them. I’m talking about both physical and mental attacks. They will not fear danger after they meet it in the ring numerous times. Thus, they will properly see this world: it is dangerous, but you shouldn’t fear it.

  1. Socializing

A child becomes more interesting as a person. There will always be topics that they can support in a conversation. When a person understands that it depends on your skills and knowledge, whether you win or lose, they start to seek more erudition in that field. As a result, a person becomes more comprehensive in other directions of development. It happens when they have learned the value of knowledge.

A child that engaged in sport always has “additional” friends, aside from those that they will gain in school. In fact, their sport friends may happen to be closer to them because they share mutual interests. As a result, confidence will grow.

When a child is capable of protecting themselves, it is easy for them to practice small talk without any shyness. Even if they make a mistake, no one will punish them fiscally. In this way, they can practice speaking skills which will raise their socializing ability.

The same principle works when a person wants to go out somewhere. They are less fearful, and as a result, they will visit more places, companies, and parties. This way, they will gain more life experience.

  1. Philosophical views

Practicing martial art will inspire a child to believe in one’s self: that they capable of mastering anything if they really want it. It will also form their world view; they will learn to see themselves as good people that, nevertheless, can defend themselves from aggression.

When a person understands their responsibility for their actions, it means that they are growing up. When your child practices fighting in the ring, they will feel a subtle border where they have the moral right to apply their fighting skills and where it is forbidden.

Martial art teaches avoiding unnecessary aggression. However, when it is inevitable, it teaches you to give your best in fighting. Sometimes, a child doesn’t feel that they are right to hit their offender, or hit them strong enough. Proper combat mentoring explains where you need to be patient and humble, and where you need to show readiness to be militant like a lion.

But, what if you don’t see the ability to teach a proper philosophy in a particular coach? What if their students treat themselves aggressively towards those who are weaker during the workout session? Then, you should probably search for another coach.

Every parent that wishes their boy or girl to become braver and more confident, should find a good master of the art of combat. If your child is going to take their training seriously, soon you will see other people in them: more mindful and more fit for life. If you will not spare money now for their development, it will return to you in their lack of physical and mental health, successful future, and gratitude for showing them the way.

The post Confidence and Martial Arts appeared first on Better Kids Institute.

Bullying and Martial Arts

April 9, 2020 | 0 Comment(s)

Bullying, Martial Arts, Your Child and You: Is It a Good Idea?

So many schools like to claim that they have “no bullying” rules, but the fact remains that teachers and other adults cannot be everywhere all the time. It is those times where and when no adult is around that bullies take advantage of the situation and of other kids. It is very difficult nowadays to just tell your child to defend him/herself when schools are given carte blanche authority to arrest children for assault and battery when in most cases those children are just trying to defend themselves.

So, what can you as a parent do? Some parents have resorted to signing their children up for martial arts classes, but is that a good idea? The idea of your child karate-chopping a bully may seem apropos, but you still have to contend with what the school decides to do about that. However, there are plenty of martial arts moves your child can learn that will actually help with the bullying problem, and these moves will not inflict any legal action upon you or your child. Here is more about these moves and how it can dramatically help your child in the area of self-defense.


Aikido is a type of martial art that teaches students how to defend themselves against attackers without harming their attackers at the same time. This is an ideal form of martial art to teach your child since he/she is ultimately trying to defend him/herself against a bully without physically striking or harming the bully. Most of the moves teach your child how and when to move so that the bully’s punches or kicks do not make contact with your child’s body. There are also deflective moves that allow your child to stop contact of the bully’s body parts when your child is cornered and cannot simply move out of the way of the strike.

If your child has to deal with a bully and a couple of the bully’s sidekicks, additional moves are taught to help under these circumstances. Hip rolls, for example, are an effective means of removing an extra person out of the way when a second attacker is coming. The move does not hurt the first attacker, and it helps your child prepare for the second attacker.

Krav Maga

Krav Maga is gaining in popularity because it combines strength training with self-defense. Your child will learn how to become physically stronger while using that strength in reflexive responses to a bully’s attacks. Rather than hit back with his/her newfound strength from training, he/she learns to respond reflexively in a non-violent manner.

It takes a lot of emotional control, which is why it is also a good martial art for kids because it teaches them how to be in control of their emotions. (That is something not even most adults know how to do.) In the event that a reflexive response is not enough against an attack, the strength one obtains through studying Krav Maga can help gently overpower the attacker without releasing the full force of one’s anger or fear responses onto the attacker. Your child would learn to be in control of the situation and never harm the other person while still defending him/herself.

Tai Chi

Tai Chi teaches movements that essentially swipe away an attacker’s movements. It is very slow and controlled in practice, but it shows your child how to breathe and how to be in control of his her body in his/her space. The movements done in a full Tai Chi session seem more like a spiritual dance, but if you speed up these movements, you can see how they quickly become movements for deflecting blows. When practiced often, these movements become second nature, and instantly become how your child responds to a bully’s attack. Additionally, Tai Chi (and Krav Maga) increase your child’s ability to focus and self-regulate, things that can really help even an ADHD student do better in school.

More importantly, Tai Chi can be done anywhere. You can put on soothing sounds or music and even practice the moves at home. Many Tai Chi classes are held out in the open in public parks because of the very soothing movements and controlled breathing involved. Some movements can be used anytime your child feels an overwhelming emotion coming on and needs to breathe and move through it.

Teaching That Martial Art Is to Protect Oneself First and Foremost

Most martial arts instructors will tell their young pupils all the time that what these students are learning is for self-defense only. None of it is ever to be used to hurt someone, or to strike in such a way as to cause real harm. When learning this and taking it to heart, your child will know that he/she can defend him/herself without hurting the bully (even if the bully deserves it). That exacts an equal balance of power in each bully encounter, and removes the fear factor such that your child can get through the situation without creating other legal issues as a result of physical contact with another person. No-contact martial art studies provide all of the above.

Ergo, it is a good idea to sign your child up for any of the above no-contact martial art forms. In addition to learning excellent self defense skills, your child will gain greater emotional control and emotional maturity. He/she may also gain greater physical strength, if that is part of the training. Students who study these disciplines find that they also have much better focus at school and at home, which will help them succeed in everything else they need to study or choose to study. Children as young as five can begin these classes and reach a master’s belt by the time they are in their early teens, although the more important take-aways from these studies is the self esteem, self reliance, self discipline, and personal management skills.

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Discipline and Martial Arts

April 2, 2020 | 0 Comment(s)

How Martial Arts Can Teach Your Child Discipline

Every parent understands that it’s important to enroll their child in extracurricular activities to ensure that they develop the skills that can’t be taught in a classroom. When choosing an extracurricular for their child, many parents will toy with the idea of enrolling their son or daughter in a martial art, but worry that it’s too risky or dangerous.

The truth of the matter is that a martial art, if taught by a reputable school and instructor, is as safe as any other physical activity. Furthermore, a martial art can teach your child concepts and values that will be invaluable in your child’s development and growth, namely self control and discipline.

If you’re on the fence about enrolling your child in a martial art, then consider these ways that such an activity can help your child to develop fantastic life skills and grow into a wonderful human being.

Teaching The Importance of Consistency

Kids are naturally inclined to seek out instant gratification, a behavior that’s quite antithetical to the principles of discipline and self control. This is why little kids will throw temper tantrums at the grocery store when they’re not allowed to buy a piece of candy. They want what they want and they want it right now.

When you’re child is enrolled in a sport, they learn about the importance of consistency. You can’t become skilled at karate or baseball overnight. Instead, you have to go to practice every day if you want to see your abilities and skills improve.

This lesson is invaluable in raising a child who values hard work more than they value instant gratification. The lessons learned in these athletic extracurricular activities will spill into their academic pursuits as well, ensuring that they understand why it’s important to study a subject a bit each day in order to master it.

Teach The Importance of Setting Goals

Humans aren’t naturally inclined to want to set and achieve goals. If anything, we naturally prefer to keep on doing whatever feels safe and familiar, not what feels aspirational. However, since most of us have dreams and visions of who we’d like to be, we understand that we must create goals and work hard to achieve them.

Martial arts is wonderfully suited to teaching the importance of goal-setting. Activities like karate and tae kwon do offer students different tiers to reach, often signified by differently colored belts. By encouraging kids to try to reach these different tiers and move up in their level of achievement, you artfully teach them how to set and work towards a goal.

Again, this will be an invaluable lesson when it comes to your child’s academic excellence. By learning the importance of goal-setting and how one actually puts in the work to achieve those goals, your child will come to understand that excellence and achievement doesn’t come for free. Instead, it takes the aforementioned consistency and a passion for actually working towards what they want to achieve.

Teaching The Value of Teamwork and Respect

We’re naturally born to be quite self-absorbed. If you’ve ever been around a baby, the last word you’d use to describe that baby would be “empathetic.” We don’t naturally care for the people around us, but rather want to seek out what makes us feel happy and fulfilled, even if it’s inconvenient or displeasurable for the people around us. While this might be fine behavior for a baby, it’s horrible behavior for a young adult.

Good parenting is what teaches little children to be empathetic. Kids need to be taught concepts such as respecting their elders or working together with their peers to achieve a common goal. When your child participates in a martial art, they have to learn how to work safely and respectfully with their fellow classmates, to ensure that nobody gets hurt. Furthermore, they’re forced to listen to and respect their instructor.

When your child is taught the importance of teamwork and respect, it can help to prevent them from finding themselves in some very nasty situations. When kids become troublemakers in school, it’s often because they were never taught how to be empathetic to and respectful of the people around them. The martial arts help to ensure that your child learns and internalizes these essential life skills and values.

Give Your Child The Skills They Need To Thrive

It’s time for parents to stop worrying that the martial arts are “dangerous” or “risky.” This is not only a completely safe activity for your child, but it will teach them a level of discipline and self control that other extracurricular activities might not. Don’t be afraid to enroll your son or daughter in that karate class. You’ll be amazed at how this type of class will aid in your child’s emotional and psychological development.

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Confidence and Martial Arts

March 27, 2020 | 0 Comment(s)

Martial Arts for Kids – Building Confidence and So Much More

Ask an adult raised in, say, the 80s and a child today what comes to mind when they hear the word “recreation” and you are likely to get two very different answers. The adult will tell tales of spending days outdoors from sunup to sundown playing with friends, riding bikes, or spending summer days at the beach or pool. You won’t hear much, if anything at all, about fun times spent indoors. Conversely, today’s kids will answer with days spent playing video games, watching their favorite TV shows, and scrolling through their preferred social media apps. There is very little physical activity unless it involves heading to the kitchen for a snack during commercial breaks.

In fact, children are moving less than ever these days. Unless they are involved in school sports or possibly a recreational team, they are not nearly as physical as the kids of decades past. Of course, it is easy to lay the blame on technology. However, it is hard to deny that our hectic schedules are enabling our kids to become lazier than ever before. The good news is that many parents are starting to recognize this and are trying to break from the trend. They want to give their kids something fun to focus on other than a screen but other than traditional sports teams, what else is there?

Martial arts can have a multitude of positive effects on a child. These classes offer training for not only the body, but the mind and soul as well. We want our children to be fit both physically and mentally for their whole lives, not just while they are playing sports during their school years. The ways that kids can benefit from this activity are vast, so let’s touch on a few changes you can expect to see in your child once they begin their training.

Bullies Will Think Twice About Messing With Your Kid

It’s no secret that bullying is a tremendous problem in our schools, on our playgrounds, and even online. A bully preys on someone that they perceive to be weak and defenseless. Kids that take martial arts classes are learning self defense as well as self-discipline. The discipline enables them to just ignore a bully and walk away but they will also know how to defend themselves if need be. A bully will detect that your child is not prey and look somewhere else to start a problem.

Self-Confidence that They Will Carry With Them Forever

Knowing that they can handle themselves in any situation will go a long way toward bolstering a kid’s self-confidence. It will give them the courage to stand up for themselves and others and to speak their minds. Instilling this kind of confidence in a child at an early age gives them an advantage heading into adulthood as they will already know how to carry themselves. They will also know how to interact with others respectfully, even if they have a difference of opinion.

They Won’t Become “Followers”

Many children, by no fault of their own, often find themselves becoming followers of a more dominate figure in their social circle. However, a child learning karate or judo for example, will be exposed to strong examples of leaders in the form of their instructors. They will use them as a model to follow when they encounter a group that is missing leadership. Kids also learn the significance of teamwork and the importance of team leadership, which will serve them well in adulthood.

Learning How to Fail is as Important as Learning to Succeed

Most children are inherently shy. They are afraid of looking foolish in front of their friends or people that they hold in high esteem. Learning confidence through martial training will help to alleviate this fear. Their instructors will impart to them that perfection is not the ultimate goal. They will learn that progress is far more important than always being perfect and that they will have to fail occasionally in order to succeed.

It’s a Fun Workout that Will Combat Obesity

Kids today are battling excess weight more than any generation before them. Combine an increase in fast food intake with a decrease in daily activity and the result can be devastating to a child’s self esteem. Obesity opens a child up to bullying as well as an array of possible health issues. Martial training is a fantastic way to get a kid in shape and keep them that way. They will be burning calories while learning an important skill and having fun the whole time!

It Increases Focus and Mental Stamina

Focus is one of the seven skills that a child learns in martial training and it can benefit them far beyond the studio. A kid focused in the classroom is obviously going to do better than their peer who isn’t. As an adult in the workplace, the ability to focus on the task at hand is a very valuable skill. The mental stamina that is acquired during training helps a child become aware of their responsibilities and enables them to be disciplined.

Martial arts can do so much more for a child than teach them self defense. It bolsters confidence, which increases self esteem. A good class provides structure as well as a place for kids who are still growing into their bodies to learn coordination. It’s also a safe space for a child to chop and kick out their extra energy or frustration while figuring out how to do it with control. Learning how to listen to and respect others along with conflict resolution are also invaluable skills that will serve them well for their whole lives.

The sense of accomplishment that a child feels when they make progress is incomparable. The feeling of success, knowing that it came from setting goals and accomplishing them, is unparalleled. Taking off one belt and replacing it with one representing the next level can boost a kid’s morale like nothing else. It’s these moments that a child will carry with them forever as wonderful memories made while learning some of life’s greatest lessons.


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Bullying and Martial Arts

March 19, 2020 | 0 Comment(s)

Every parent wants their child to have friends, get along with their peers, and feel safe and secure when they go to school, camp, the playground, or to any other social setting. One of a parent’s worst fears is that their child will become the victim of a bully. Not only does bullying cause immediate physical injuries, a study released by the National Institute of Health in 2015 found that it can lead to numerous long term negative effects, including anxiety, emotional trauma, and psychological conditions that can last into adulthood.

The most effective way to keep your child safe from bullies is to equip them with the tools they need to be safe, confident, and secure, no matter the situation. Some of these tools involve developing a social sense for danger and insight into what others’ actions might be, knowing when and how to remove themselves from risky situations, and having the diplomatic skills to resolve conflicts peacefully. But an essential tool is also having the physical training and discipline required to defend themselves if necessary. Formal instruction in the martial arts provides one of the best means to develop all of these skills.

The following are some of the specific ways martial arts training can help keep your child safe from bullies.

Self-Defense Maneuvers. Martial art students develop a range of self-defense maneuvers that they can use in a variety of different settings and situations. That flexibility is key to being prepared for bullying. There is a common misconception that these traditions promote violence, but any martial art is really about preventing violence—including the violence perpetrated by bullies. When someone has been trained in these traditions, they will have the strategies necessary to keep themselves, and others, safe. They will be able to resist the temptation to respond emotionally to being struck and will know how to get back up again and respond with strategic protective maneuvers rather than anxiety or fear. And in practicing those maneuvers, they will develop the physical fitness, muscle power, coordination and dexterity, and stamina to stand up to bullies with confidence.

Communicating Confidence. When a child has learned a martial art, they communicate a sense of confidence. Even if they feel fear, they know how to manage that fear. It is important that they do not antagonize or challenge the bully, but they also need to send a message that they are not going to tolerate being harassed. An upright core, squared shoulders, focused eyes, and firm stance tell bullies that this person is not going to be intimidated. Most bullies look for easy prey; someone who knows how to defend themselves and who conveys that through body language can dissuade opportunity attackers. Taking deep, steady breaths creates a calm and composed body, and makes your child prepared to defuse the situation with words rather than violence.

Scenario Preparation. In most martial art training, students learn by role-playing different kinds of self-defense scenarios. Role-playing is one of the most effective methods for teaching because it provides practical, active learning opportunities, which helps students better retain and understand the content being learned, look superior home cleaning service in katy, tx
. When students learn how defend themselves by practicing exactly how they should behave in a given situation, that response eventually becomes instinctual. And when self-defense becomes instinctual, students grow their capacity for self-confidence and reduce the severity of anxiety caused by facing a potentially dangerous situation.

Calculated Response. An essential element of martial art training is developing a mindset that responds to threats with restraint, calm, and calculated evaluation. Instead of lashing out in anger or fear, a child who has learned a martial art uses quick thinking to establish distance from the situation and use that perspective to determine the safest way to resolve the situation. Being able to recognize options, trace the chain of cause and effect for each course of action, and identify the best choice reduces the likelihood of physical fighting and potential injury.

Structured Time. Because gaining skill in a martial art takes time, the classes, exercises, and other activities associated with their training will provide your child with a considerable amount of structure time. Not only does this help your child develop self-responsibility, time management, and planning skills, it can also keep them busy and in a safe environment after school or on weekends—the two times when most bullying occurs. In addition, because training occurs in classes and usually centers on collaborative exercises, your child will build close friendships with other children who are also prepared to stand up to bullies alongside them. There is strength in numbers.

Every bully is, at heart, a coward. They will typically avoid confrontations with someone whom they determine to be a potential danger, who seems mature and confident, or who looks like they could effectively protect themselves. You do not want your child to deliberately provoke a bully, but at the same time it is essential that he or she is able both to stand their ground with confidence to deter a fight and, if a fight does happen, to back up that position with effective self-defensive moves. If other children in the community know that your child has self-defense training, that reputation alone can be enough to disincentivize bullies from bothering them.

Children who know how to defend themselves know that they are going to be safe, which helps them to manage self-doubt, build self-respect and respect for others, and instill a sense of discipline. They know how to stand up for others and defend those who cannot defend themselves. And they are more likely to keep the lines of communication open with you and other caregiving adults because they will not feel a sense of shame, embarrassment, or humiliation if they do end up being bullied, looking for home disinfecting service La Habra Heights. These are all skills that are not only of use in a fight, or in defusing a fight: they are social skills that will serve your child throughout their lives.

The post Bullying and Martial Arts appeared first on Better Kids Institute.

Discipline and Martial Arts

March 12, 2020 | 0 Comment(s)

One of the most important traits to teach children is discipline. Kids have a lot of independence and big decisions to make in these modern times thanks to innovative technology like smartphones and so many social media websites. It’s hard for parents to trust that their children will have the discipline to stay moral and practice good values as they take on this huge world without parental supervision most of the time. One great way for any child to learn good values and how to practice discipline as they grow up is martial arts classes.

Training to become a martial artist give kids a long-lasting appreciation for what is right through drills, practices, and routines. Children must stay much disciplined throughout each class to become successful in their training. Honestly, there are several reasons that martial arts classes provide a truly awesome way for parents to ensure their child learns how to stay disciplined and make the best decisions as they grow older.

Confidence is a very great and important quality for children to have. Training in classes to become a martial artist will really help children to become more and more confident. As they become more confident, these children will continue to train and gain more success. As they gain more success, they will learn some great values including respect for themselves and others which will certainly give them a good and growing amount of self-esteem and confidence.

Self-esteem is an extremely important quality for kids and adults to have; honestly, most people do not have enough self-esteem. Children especially lack this important quality because they often have to deal with bullies and tough social situations with peers. The fighting and disciplining training that children in these classes will receive help ensure that children know exactly what they need to do in any tough situation. They have learned all the skills necessary to handle the tough situations in a mature and responsible way.

Another great thing about this type of training is that it teaches children that the journey is just as or more important than the destination. It is so easy for children or adults to get distracted in a world that is so full of the most interesting distractions including phones, videos, and the never-ending past-time of social media. It is also very easy for children and adults to get caught up in the ending reward without caring about or appreciating all the steps it takes to reach that rewarding result.

Sometimes, the journey is tough, but the journey is valuable because it teaches so much. The journey is full of successes, failures, mistakes, and lessons that are extremely important. Marital artists are taught the importance of making progress and improving every day. They understand how important it is to focus on the steps they make each day which also allows them to appreciate every bit of progress.

Martial artists are then proud of themselves for every step in their journey and they use this pride to stay determined and disciplined in their training and in life. They know that without these things, they will not progress successfully. Martial artists know that without those valuable tools and skills, they will not reach their important destination on any journey they take.

Martial artists that have been training from an early age also learn how to make good, well-thought-out choices. Every parent wants their kids to know how to make the right choices in every situation, most especially the tough ones. However, teaching this quality is much easier said than done because often, parents themselves are making the wrong decisions every day. However, with this type of training comes special instruction that parents often don’t have time to give to their kids.

Marital artists learn to really observe situations well, they learn to truly digest the information they are receiving, and they learn to make strong plans that help them decide the best course of action to take. Not to mention, certain training activities like sparring helps children develop rational thinking skills, see lars remodeling. Children who have learned to train their mind to make rational decisions in any situation, no matter how tense, have learned a very valuable lesson that will help them to make the best choice throughout their entire lives.

Another wonderful thing that martial artists learn at an early age is how to take control of their emotions. This is by far one of the best qualities for anyone, especially a child to have. Every child will go through so many different emotions as they grow up, and this is quite possibly the toughest part of parenthood. Sometimes, a child’s emotions can be all over the place which causes their actions to be all over the place as well. When this happens, it is easy for children to do the wrong thing and make not so great decisions.

However, in training to be a martial artist, a child will learn to develop a clear connection with their inner self. Then they will be very in touch with who they really are and what they really want out of life at a young age. Everyone has been through the tough times growing up when you are discovering your self-identity; however, not every child has the necessary guidance that will help them manage their emotions during these times.

A child who is becoming a martial artist learns how to deal with their emotions in the right way by using their mind purposefully. During training, children learn how to keep their mentality and emotions healthy by meditating and clearing the mind every day, at every practice. Children in this type of training are also taught to help their minds get rid of distractions to ensure they have strong concentration, focus, and performance, visit kicrestoration.com. Children learn to stay calm no matter what they initially feel, and this ensures they do not develop any overwhelming negative feelings of despair, fear, or anger. Everything about martial arts helps to ensure a child can get the most benefits, the best qualities, and the most disciplined habits from their training and all those great qualities will surely last a lifetime.

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Confidence and Martial Arts

March 4, 2020 | 0 Comment(s)

If you lacked self-esteem growing up, you probably know how it feels to be inadequate and insecure. Even if you were lucky enough to grow up with much self-esteem, you definitely want the same for your children, right?

Most parents are unaware that a martial arts class can encourage children to build self-confidence, but it’s exactly what students need in today’s modern society.

Ready to foster self-confident children? Discover the many ways this sport improves children’s self-esteem.

Builds Self-Defense Skills Against Bullies

Many children who are bullied experience low self-esteem, which can leave them feeling powerless. By learning martial arts, children can build self-confidence to protect themselves from bullying.

As parents, we always want our children to avoid bad situations altogether, but sometimes, it just isn’t possible. We can’t fully prevent our children from being targeted, but enrolling them in this sport certainly helps.

During this class, children will learn how to respond in various self-defense situations. When your children acquire new moves, they will be able to respond to a bully by removing themselves from a bad situation without reacting violently, countering their opponent’s actions, or keeping their opponent in place until help comes.

Most importantly, this sport teaches children how to cultivate the inner strength to stick up for themselves. As children become more confident, bullies won’t want to mess with them in the first place. Most bullies do not want to be challenged, so a self-confident child can stop these aggressors right in their tracks.

Overcome Opponents Regardless Of Perceived Limitations

Martial arts can greatly boost children’s confidence by showing them that many people can succeed in this sport, regardless of their size or gender.

Despite popular belief, this sport is not just for boys. School-aged girls can succeed in this sport too. They just need to learn the right techniques like everyone else.

A person’s size should also not prohibit your child from engaging in this sport. There are several techniques that can assist small-sized children from overcoming taller or larger opponents.

As your children begin to realize that hard work and determination is more important than their size or gender, they will become more self-confident in who they are and the things that they can accomplish. Not to mention, they will not feel inferior to their peers who may be large or more athletically inclined.

Shows The Value of Progress

During this sport, your children will need to set goals and work toward accomplishing them.

When your children first enroll in this sport, the instructors will teach them basic techniques that are fairly easy to master. Since these techniques require a relatively low skill level, children will gradually build self-confidence because they will have almost no problems mastering them.

Over time, your children will become more self-confident, which will encourage them to learn new, difficult techniques. Most children will even start to embrace their steady progress and believe that they are good enough.

Whenever a new stripe is added to their belt, children will slowly begin to think more highly of their capabilities and overall personal qualities.

Teaches Children That Failure Is Okay

Even with steady progress, children are bound to occasionally fail at some point during this sport. As a result, this sport reminds children that failure is inevitable.

At first, children may start to feel inadequate and disheartened when they fail, especially if they were so used to succeeding.

The great thing about this sport is that it teaches children that failure is essential for advanced growth. They will also quickly realize that there are many valuable lessons that can be learned from failure, and they don’t always need to rush to their destination.

In time, children will gain confidence in their abilities to succeed even during hard times. The sport will also help them to understand that failure is not the end of the world.

Develops Discipline in Every Area of Life

When it comes to this sport, children will quickly discover that they need to be disciplined to perform well.

In order to become successful in this sport, they will need to attend classes regularly, practice outside of class, and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Once children develop discipline in this sport, they will feel confident that they can be disciplined in other areas of life as well.

For example, if your children’s grades start to fail, they will already have the self-confidence and discipline to bring their grades back up by studying more at home, completing homework on time, and asking the instructor questions about assignments/projects.

By simply believing in themselves, children will be on their way to succeeding in all aspects of life. After all, they are confident human beings.

Supports Strong Relationships with Peers

In a world full of bullies, many children turn to this sport to form meaningful relationships with their peers.

During a class, children will probably be asked to partner with a classmate to practice new techniques, which ultimately creates a strong sense of camaraderie and trust among peers.

As a result of this partnership, your children will start to develop greater self-esteem because they will feel like many of their peers actually care about them.

Of course, this popular sport also teaches children the value of teamwork as everyone in the class will be pushing each other to master the new techniques.

Enroll Your Child in a Class Soon

There is no doubt that this sport can make your children stronger in a wide variety of ways.

Along with building self-esteem, enrolling your children in this sport will expand their horizons and offer many great opportunities.

Most importantly, this sport will help stop bullying because children will know how to stand up for themselves for once and for all.

Building self-confident children will not happen overnight, but it’s important to get started right away.

If you want to raise self-confident children, make sure to enroll them in this rewarding sport today. You’ll definitely be glad that you did, and it’s likely that your children will thank you later.

The post Confidence and Martial Arts appeared first on Better Kids Institute.

Bullying and Martial Arts

February 26, 2020 | 0 Comment(s)

Bullying is, unfortunately, a situation that many kids feel vulnerable in because they do not know how to handle it. There are many kinds of behavior that kids of any age can experience. There is verbal assault, where unkind words and insults are constantly hurled their way. There is also physical assault that involves the manipulation of one’s body.

If there is one thing that bullies prey upon, it is fear and implied weakness. Usually, bullies will not seek trouble from someone who looks to be bigger and tougher. However, an easy target is someone smaller and weaker. However, there are ways that your child can defend themselves from these situations. One of these ways includes martial arts.

What Are Martial Arts?

Martial arts are systems of combat that are practiced for a variety of reasons. The most common uses include law enforcement application, military training and what your child may need it for most, self-defense. Some of the most popular kinds include kung fu, jujitsu, karate, and tae kwon do. Therefore, you can see that this is more of an umbrella term used to describe the proper techniques of self-defense that is commonly practiced in Asian countries.

While many focus on the specific strikes that can do damage, there is much more to learning this art. If your child is properly trained, they will be able to learn discipline and confidence.

Learning Confidence and Discipline

The biggest lesson that children can learn through training is increased self-discipline. This is done by gradually teaching how to resist temptation and how to remove influences that make us weak. Constant studies have shown that self-control and discipline can be accentuated with consistent habits such as a healthy diet. In training, your child can be taught how to change their routine and take themselves out of certain comfort zones.

While comfort zones can be seen as a convenience, it can also be seen as a hindrance to unlocking one’s true potential. Comfort zones lead to complacency and complacency leads to poor results in the long-term. It also teaches your child that things will not always go according to plan. The entire point is to help build habits over time that will help achieve a specific goal.

Your child will not achieve any goals set for them by a couple of big actions that they do in their life. It is the small, consistent things that they do on a daily basis that will determine if they will be successful or not. Self-discipline is about correcting destructive behavior and adapting to certain circumstances.


Control is another huge part of the training that will help your child develop in a positive manner. While combat is a part of what your child will learn, the focus isn’t to overpower or gain control of the opponent. The goal is to use one’s skill and strength in a controlled manner. The idea is that you should want your child to never have to engage in combat and avoid conflict whenever possible. However, if the situation dictates that their safety is in jeopardy, they can use what they have been taught to protect themselves from harm.

It is a meticulous process that will require your child to understand the controlled movements that the training will entail. There is a lot of thought before action and a conscious act of responding with situational awareness has. Professional instructors will be sure to instill these basic fundamentals early because it is easy for children who get bullied to think about what they can do to get back at those who bully them.

Increased Self-Confidence

Unfortunately, one of the long-term detrimental effects of bullying is that it decreases your child’s confidence. A bully preys upon certain people because they may see a vulnerability or weakness in them. That perceived weakness can make your child insecure in their own abilities and cause them to lose confidence in themselves. They may also believe that something is wrong with them, which is why they are a target for bullying.

However, actively participating in martial art training can help them nullify these confidence issues. Confidence results from beliefs that are held within us. If we are negative about ourselves, it will be manifested in our behavior. Practicing will help your child to believe in themselves and to attain any goal that they set for themselves. Mastering a martial art is a great way to not only understand competence but to achieve a goal. The more goals that your child achieves, the more that their self-confidence will increase.

Building confidence is something that cannot be fixed within one night. It is a long-term process that will require consistency and a belief that anything can be achieved. However, if your child eventually trains to the point where they become a master, they may feel like no goal will be out of their grasp. In addition, if a bully approaches them again, not only can they learn how to effectively defend themselves, but they also learn manners to divert conflict, to begin with.

Martial art training not only teaches your child the fundamentals of how to defend themselves, but it also teaches them important life lessons. It will teach them to be confident in their own abilities and how to stay disciplined on a specific task.

While it is true that there may be certain concepts that can be difficult to learn at first, your child will be more disciplined, more confident and more focused by the end of the martial art training. Consider all of these benefits if a bully happens to be bothering your child.

The post Bullying and Martial Arts appeared first on Better Kids Institute.

Discipline and Martial Arts

February 19, 2020 | 0 Comment(s)

If you’re on the fence about signing up your child for martial arts, then it might be a good thing to understand how martial arts can benefit your child. Besides just giving them a physical activity to do that they might enjoy, martial arts teaches self-discipline above anything else. Each discipline of fighting varies from the next. Some may focus on certain personal qualities like emotional control over others. It’s important that you sign your child up for the right kind of discipline if you want them to learn something specific from it. Otherwise, here are a few other benefits that your child can experience when they take fighting lessons.


One of the primary attributes of fighting classes is honing your focus. You can’t be a good fighter or defender if you’re not focused on the movements of your opponent. You also have to be incredibly aware of yourself, your energy levels, your stances, and your power. This self-awareness stems from focus.

All of the many facets of fighting classes work on focus. By honing it, your child will listen better and more closely. That may bleed into their performance at school. They’ll be able to focus on their teacher and studies better. It’s possible that you may see an improvement in their performance at school.

Emotional Control

If your child has problems with their temper or anger, then signing them up for a martial discipline could be a great choice. At the heart of most classes is learning how to control yourself emotionally. This is an important part of martial fighting because it’s as mental as it is physical.

It can be easy to lose a match if someone gets inside of your head. If your emotions are accessed and you become too angry or proud, you could be lured into opening yourself up for attack. That’s why learning to control your emotions is so important. The fighter can remain clear-headed and plan their next move while their opponent futilely attempts to goad them into a trap.

Emotional control can help them in the world outside of the fighting arena, too. They’re able to think critically and rationally rather than with their emotions. This can help them become mature emotionally faster than their peers. They may grow to be leaders because of their ability to think rationally rather than emotionally.

The decisions that they make will likely be considered through rational thinking as well.


Another great benefit of learning martial fighting is that it can boost your child’s confidence. A lot of children struggle with self-confidence. They may feel unsure about their gifts or their physical dominance. Fighting and learning the ways of each martial class can help them grow in their self-confidence.

For one, they’re physically able to handle themselves. Many of the arts teach children how to defend themselves from bullies and other people who might want to hurt them. This might give you peace of mind. Knowing that your child can defend themselves in the presence of a bully is comforting.

Since they’re not easy to pick on, bullies will likely pass them by. You can be sure that your child is just that much safer at school.

Your child is also likely going to make friends with those who are also at their school. Even if they struggle to make friends in their educational institutions, they might make lasting friends in their martial school. They’re all learning something new together and discovering parts of themselves together, too.

With this new friend group, they’ll feel more sure about their place in society. That can breed the kind of self-confidence that you want for your child.

Help Establish Clear Goals

With learning about fighting, you also learn how to establish clear goals. For each martial class, you have a belt. In order to achieve the next belt, you have to keep training and perfecting your techniques. Joining a class allows you to start developing clear goals and making progress towards them. It’s rewarding and enriching when you manage to meet those goals.

Outside of the classroom, it can help your child also establish goals for themselves. They’re able to determine what it is that they want, then establish the work ethic that they need to achieve that goal.

With their focused hone and their self-confidence on the rise, they’ll set out to meet those goals. Since classes come with failure as well, your child won’t be deterred by falling short of their goal. If anything, they’ll be all the more determined to reach their personal, scholarly, and eventually their career goals.

Improves Health

Child obesity is something that many children struggle with today. With the rise of kid-friendly tablets and other electronics, they’re sitting on the sofa more than playing outside. That isn’t healthy for them. Signing up your child for a fighting or self-defense class can help improve their health.

It gets them off of the sofa and physically engaged in a practice that they’ll likely find fun. Few children don’t like the idea of being able to fight like their favorite Jedi or superheroes. They’re improving their fitness, learning valuable life lessons, and ensuring their future health all in the same sitting.

Whether you’re concerned about your child’s health or you want to make sure that they remain healthy, including them into a fighting class could be a great idea.

Mental Health Check

As children grow into teenagers, they carry with them a lot of anxiety about themselves and the future. Few parents know how to reach their teenage children. A fighting class might be able to do it for them. Learning how to control and express their emotions, physically and mentally training themselves throughout the week, and having a release for their emotions and anxieties can all be served through fighting classes.

Besides just being physically healthy, martial classes can also be mentally healthy. You may notice that your moody teenager becomes more relaxed and involved.

The post Discipline and Martial Arts appeared first on Better Kids Institute.